Read testimonials for ZonaRico’s Gourmet Spices in action that have been submitted by some of our customers.  Learn how they used our Gourmet Spices and their responses and thoughts on what they prepared.

My husband and I love the spices and blends from ZonaRico

We were gifted five of the spices that ZonaRico has and we decided to try them on some skirt stake.  This being our first time, we were not sure of what to expect, but the flavor from them was wonderful.  We used DesertMont and Taiono and loved them.  All we could say was WOW!

We received these two pictures from Carlos along with a single word descriptor


Carlos took one of our recipe ideas and decided to try it for himself (see HappyZest) and enjoyed it so much he is suggesting that his daughter also buys our spices.

We want to thank Carlos not only for his order, but for sending us his thoughts along with these two pictures and recommending our spices to his daughter.  That is honestly one of the biggest compliments we could receive.

Preparing Eggs using ZonaRico Gourmet Spices HappyZest and Saltus Eggs prepared with ZonaRico's Gourmet Spices HappyZest and Saltus ... AMAZING!.

I have a standing recipe for Salmon that everyone loves.  The other night my wife suggested we have Salmon for dinner and so off to the store I went.  After getting home with the Salmon I realized I was out of one of the main ingredients I use in my sauce.  Since I did not feel like going back to the store I decided to adventure with some of the ZonaRico Gourmet Spices we have.

I melted some butter and poured it over the Salmon then seasoned with HappyZest, some DesertMont, and a touch of MediteRican.  Placed in a covered dish and baked in the oven for about 50 minutes at low heat.

The flavor was completely unexpected and mouth watering.  I now have another go to recipe for Salmon and already have a request to make it again.

ZonaRico Gourmet Spices used on Baked Salmon were HappyZest, DesertMont, and MediteRican ZonaRico Gourmet Spices used: Desermont, HappyZest, MediteRican

English translation below pictures:

Pork tenderloin al grill.

Ya esta por salir de la parrilla.


DesertMont Dry Rub Gourmet Spice Blend on Grilled Pork Tenderloin DesertMont Pork Tenderloin from the Grill

Spanish translation at top:

Grilled pork tenderloin.

It’s about to come off the grill.


English translation below pictures at bottom:

¿Qué haces cuando llegas a tu casa, sintiéndote enferma, con una calabaza de la finca de tu hermana y unas especias del nuevo emprendimiento de otra hermana?

¡Pues te dejas inspirar! Honestamente cuando estoy enferma quiero sentirme bien más pronto y evalúo bien lo que como para ayudar a mi cuerpo (y mente) a pasar el proceso.

Hacer una recete envuelve un proceso creativo, sobre todo cuando improvisas con ingredientes que tienes en la cocina.
En esta ocasión agarré los cuatro tipos de mezclas de especias de Zona Rico Spices, abrí cada una y las olí con los ojos cerrados para ver cuál pegaba mejor con mi soñada crema de calabaza.

Adivinen cuál ganó, DesertMont Dry Rub, porque tiene un sabor ahumado que para mi pega con lo que deseaba comer.
Le eché DesertMont Dry Rub a unos ajos salteados con jengibres machacados en aceite de oliva. Esa mezcla luego la eché en la crema de calabaza, con otro poco más de la mezcla de especias.
De camino, me dio antojos de unas berenjenas, así que las hice salteadas con pimiento morrón amarillo, y a esto le eché HappyZest, otra mezcla que tiene un sabor dulce suave.

Así se recupera cualquiera más rápido

Adding a little HappyZest Gourmet Spice BlendEnjoy some pumpkin soup made with ZonaRico Gourmet Spice Blends

Spanish translation at the top:

What do you do when you come home, feeling sick, with a pumpkin from your sister’s farm and some spices from another sister’s new venture?

Well, you let yourself be inspired! Honestly, when I’m sick, I want to feel better sooner, and I carefully evaluate what I eat to help my body (and mind) get through the process.

Making a recipe involves a creative process, especially when you improvise with ingredients you have in the kitchen.

On this occasion, I grabbed all four types of spice blends from Zona Rico Spices, opened each one, and smelled them with my eyes closed to see which one went best with my dream pumpkin soup.

Guess which one won, DesertMont Dry Rub, because it has a smoky flavor that I think matches what I wanted to eat.

I added DesertMont Dry Rub to some garlic sautéed with crushed ginger in olive oil. I then added that mixture to the pumpkin cream, with a little more of the spice mix.

On the way, I was craving some eggplant, so I sautéed it with yellow bell pepper, and added HappyZest to this, another mixture that has a mild sweet flavor.

This is how anyone recovers faster

Thank you for taking the time to read testimonials for ZonaRico’s Gourmet Spices in action.  We would love to hear from you and see some pictures of the amazing dishes you prepare using our Gourmet Spices.